I am convinced that equality between women and men, as required by Article 23 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, is far from being achieved.
I am convinced that this is an important issue on which we should talk and discuss more.
That is why I call myself a feminist.
(Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New-Zealand, gave in 2015 a similar statement, but with more words)
This page is dedicated to draw people's attention to this issue.
Because we must name the problem in order to make it visible and then tackle it together as a society.
Upcoming Events
- ACM CCS 2024 DEI Workshop October 14, 2024, Salt Lake City, US
- Co-organizer of Women & Allies in Cryptography Discussions during Eurorcypt'24 in Zurich, Switzerland
- Co-organizer of CrossFyre'23: Sunday 23rd April 2023, Lyon, France; everyone can attend, only people who identify as women are presenting
- Former member of the ALICE Network at Aarhus University
- Former member of the Gender Equality Task Team of the research institute IRISA and Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique
- List of Feminst Literature for Computer Scientists
- Organization of a Reading Circle at IRISA/Inria-RBA (Oct 2020 - Dec 2021) [slides of two presentations about it can be found at talks]
- Mediation: LcodentLcréent program (They code, they create) to encourage female college students to learn Python and use it to create their own art
- Mediation: J'peux pas j'ai informatique day to raise awareness of college students that computer science is not only for geeks
- Posters about women with great contributions in maths and/or computer science - to be continued (English)
- Alice in Numberland blog (English) by Alice Silverberg; some of my "favorites"
- ACM Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion suggestions for wording in scientific papers Words Matter
- Follow me on Twitter @KBoudgoust (English/German/French)
- KREATUR Series on ARTE (French/German)
- TED Talk of Dame Stephanie Shirley - Why do ambitious women have flat heads? TED talk (English)
- Hidden Figures Trailer (English)
- Picture a Scientist Website (English)
- Formation #NousToutes contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles niveau 1 et niveau 2 (French)
- La science a mauvais genre Documentary réalisé par Laure Delalex (French)
- Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence Council of Europe, in force since 01/08/2014 Istanbul Convention (English)
- Fact Sheet: Challenging misconceptions about sexual offending from Victoria Police Fact Sheet (English)
- Women end up doing the academic housework in kifinfo 18/03/2024 Article (English)
- Women for Quantum - Manifesto of Values 04/07/2024 ArXiv (English)